The new era of nuclear strategy : from cold war arsenals to nuclear sufficiency

New book soon available exclusively on Amazon US. Stay connected so as not to miss its exclusive release!

China's winning nuclear strategy to blind the american tiger

This new book published by Amazon Publishing US will be available soon. Stay connected so as not to miss its exclusive release!

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Welcome to my site

“I am Édouard Valensi, a graduate of École Polytechnique and an expert in strategic weapon system programming and deterrence. My career, marked by more than ten years in French Defence, has allowed me to acquire advanced expertise in the forecasting of future threats and in the development of deterrence strategies at the national and international levels.

During my career, I have led large-scale strategic projects, particularly in the field of military nuclear power, a specialty that has led me to analyze and design solutions to maintain the credibility of deterrence in a constantly changing global context. My in-depth knowledge of weapons systems and security issues allowed me to contribute to essential reflections on international stability, by integrating complex geopolitical variables.

This site brings together my main research and publications on these topics. Here you will find my latest books, articles and analyses on the evolution of threats and on innovative solutions in security and strategic intelligence.

Happy exploring!”

Edouard Valensi

Latest publications

The new era of nuclear strategy : from cold war arsenals to nuclear sufficiency

This new book published by Amazon Publishing US will be available soon. Stay connected so as not to miss its exclusive release!

The new era of nuclear strategy : from cold war arsenals to nuclear sufficiency

This new book published by Amazon Publishing US will be available soon. Stay connected so as not to miss its exclusive release!

“The atomic bomb is a paper tiger that American reactionaries use to frighten people. It seems terrible but it is not: it is the people who decide the outcome of a war, not one or two new weapons.”

Mao Zedong
Former President of the People's Republic of China